Complete Farm Management for every Farmer

Better Management With Timely Reminders

Nitara sends timely notifications for all the upcoming important events related to farm and cattle. This ensures timely insemination, pregnancy diagnosis, regular calving, prompt vaccination and other medications, thereby ensuring improved health of cattle and increased milk productivity.

Formulating low cost Nutrition Plan

Nitara provides customised and budget based scientific nutrition plans by seasoned experts to the farmer. Based on cattle characteristics like breed, pregnancy stage, milk yield, weather condition, season, available fodder etc. Nitara also offers fodder suggestions so you grow and harvest the right fodder at the right time.
Low cost Cattle

Disease Predictor

Nitara predicts the possible diseases thereby ensuring minimum loss of productivity and lowered mortality rate. This is a user-friendly feature to diagnose the cattle based on holistic symptoms and provide appropriate and timely treatment, in the comfort of your farm.

Reduced Farm costs

Nitara deploys technology to optimise farmers’ spendings on feed and facilitate Smart Farm Management. With our Performance Analyser feature, farmers can understand their farm ROI in just a click, eliminating paperwork and saving time.

User Friendly

Available in many regional languages and requiring minimal typing, Nitara offers a seamless and interactive user experience. It saves time, effort and is supremely friendly even for someone who is technologically naive.

Milk Prediction

Nitara predicts the future milk yield of each cattle as well as the entire farm based on weather conditions, breed, health, fodder quality and a combination of other factors. Helps easily plan and optimise a farm’s feed-yield ratio.